The (sustainable) summer update of 2021
The predicted “Summer of love” was not forthcoming this summer due to all the Corona measures. But it was a special first half year for De Jong’s IJsfabriek. As we told you in our previous blogs, our team has experienced tremendous development by anticipating quickly as an ice-cream factory for sustainable ice cream concepts for supermarket chains and ice cream brands across Europe. This rapid growth is changing our company, our team and our location. All the more fun to take you along in all (sustainable) developments of the first half of 2021.
More growth = more energy consumption = more solar panels
Our goal? To be the most sustainable ice cream factory in Europe. We only achieve that to be and remain energy neutral. We installed more than 350 new solar panels next to our existing 200 to remain energy neutral in the future. Watch the placement with us below! We know the subtitles are still in Dutch but just imagine the lines here above. 😉
“Delivery” Tesla
Delivery on Blue diesel (HVO100) can provide up to 90% reduction* in greenhouse gas emissions. But with electric driving we can use electricity that we generate ourselves and that is why we are now testing our first Tesla and that leaves us wanting more. And it also looks insanely good.

New industrial hall
If you’ve been with us for the last year and a half, you know how ram-packed our factory was. Every day was a puzzle to match incoming and outgoing goods. With the departure of our tenant and fantastic neighbor NNI, more than 700m2 of space was added that we have used for the (re)construction into a warehouse for raw materials and packaging. We have built a complete packing hall so that we can process even more cups of ice cream. And with the third hall we are preparing for the construction of a cold store to keep the growth in ice cream production “cool”. Oh and of course more cool office space! See some photos below.